
“Why Credit Untilization Matters!” By Bishop Martin Wilson

Credit utilization is one of the most significant factors that affect your credit score. It refers to the percentage of your available credit that you’re currently using. Maintaining a low credit utilization rate is crucial for keeping your credit score in good shape. In this article, we’ll explain what credit utilization is, why it’s important, and how you can manage it effectively. What is Credit Utilization? Credit utilization is the ratio of your credit card balance to your credit limit, expressed as a percentage. It is a key component of the “amounts owed” factor, which makes up 30% of your credit score. A lower utilization rate suggests to creditors that you’re managing your credit responsibly and are not overly reliant on credit. Formula to Calculate Credit Utilization: For example, if you have a credit card with a $1,000 limit and your current balance is $300, your credit utilization is 30%. Why Does Credit Utilization Matter? Credit utilization gives lenders a snapshot of how

Why Deliverance is Rarely Seen in Today’s Churches by Bishop Martin Wilson

Deliverance ministry, once a staple in many churches, has become a rare sight in today’s congregations. While it might seem absent in many services, the reality is that deliverance often happens quietly or behind the scenes. However, with the release of the new Netflix movie The Deliverance, the topic of spiritual warfare and demonic oppression has gained renewed attention. The film, which portrays a powerful story of deliverance from demonic forces, reminds us that the supernatural battle is very real—and that the church must not shy away from addressing it. But why don’t we see deliverance as openly in churches anymore? To fully restore deliverance ministry, churches must embrace four critical values—a “4x4” approach that creates an environment for the power of God to work. 1. The Importance of Passionate Prayer A church that lacks fervent prayer lacks the spiritual power to confront demonic forces. Prayer prepares the atmosphere for God’s presence to manifest, and in that presence,

“The Meaning of Labor Day: A Christian Perspective” - Bishop Martin Wilson

Labor Day can resonate with Christian values through the lens of work's significance and the dignity of labor. Reflection on Work Labor Day serves as an opportunity for Christians to reflect on their work as a calling from God. Billy Graham emphasized that this holiday should prompt believers to view their labor from God's perspective, recognizing that work is a means of serving Him and contributing to the community[1]. The Bible reinforces this idea, as seen in Colossians 3:23-24, which encourages individuals to work heartily, knowing they serve the Lord[1]. Advocacy for Justice Additionally, Labor Day highlights the importance of advocating for workers' rights, aligning with biblical teachings on justice and care for the marginalized. Proverbs 29:7 notes that the righteous care about justice for the poor, encouraging Christians to support labor movements that seek fair wages and safe working conditions[2][3]. Celebration of Rest Finally, the holiday also emphasizes the ne

What Is the Spirit Behind False Prophets? By Apostle Martin Wilson

  Even from biblical times, there have been those who falsely claim to speak on behalf of God to deceive others and edify the kingdom of Satan. Indeed, the phenomenon of false prophets misleading people in God's name is not new. Throughout biblical history and beyond, individuals have claimed divine authority to manipulate and mislead others. Let's explore this further: Biblical Examples of False Prophets In the Old Testament, the Bible records numerous instances of false prophets. For example, in 1 Kings 22, we see the story of King Ahab and the 400 false prophets who told him what he wanted to hear, leading to his downfall. In the New Testament, Jesus himself warned about false prophets. Matthew 7:15 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." The apostle Peter also cautioned about false teachers in 2 Peter 2:1–3. Characteristics of False Prophets Deception False prophets often employ deceptive message

"The Dangers of the Illusion of Perfection In the Black Pulpit" By Bishop Martin Wilson

The Dangers of Perfectionism in the Pulpit As pastors, our calling is to shepherd our congregations with wisdom, compassion, and humility. However, the pressure to appear perfect can sometimes overshadow our true purpose. Perfectionism in the pulpit is a growing concern, and it’s essential to address the profound disconnect it creates between pastors and their congregations. The Illusion of Perfection When pastors act as if they have it all together, they create an illusion of perfection that can be deeply damaging. This façade sets an unattainable standard for the congregation. When church members see their pastor as flawless, they may feel discouraged about their own struggles and imperfections. This disconnect fosters a sense of isolation among congregants who may feel they cannot relate to or confide in their seemingly perfect leader. The Strain of Inauthenticity Maintaining an image of perfection is not only exhausting but also creates a significant disconnect. Pastors burdened wi

Navigating the Spirit of Familiarity by Apostle Wilson

Exploring the Dangers of the Spirit of Familiarity In this lesson, I will focus on a crucial topic that affects leaders and followers alike: the spirit of familiarity. I recently taught this thought in a portion of a lesson on leadership within the context of the Bishops, Apostles, and pastors from the Wolf Pack, the fellowship I am a part of. The spirit of familiarity arises when leaders become overly friendly with those they lead or when members become too familiar with their leaders. Understanding the Significance of Boundaries Webster defines familiarity as the quality or state of being familiar. While being familiar is not inherently problematic, when it crosses boundaries, it can lead to complications. In the context of leadership and ministry, familiarity refers to the lack of appropriate boundaries between leaders and their followers. When leaders and followers blur the lines of their relationship, it can result in a lack of respect, both for the leader's position and the l

"Developing Effective Church Leaders" - By Apostle Martin Wilson

by Apostle Martin Wilson    I based this definition on Dr. John C. Maxwell's book, The Leader's Greatest Return. According to this book, church leaders' success is defined as maximizing the abilities of those working with them . This is achieved by helping people reach their potential, develop as leaders, and maximize their abilities. To develop good church leaders, it is important to understand what good leadership entails. Leadership experts and authors James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner point out that preconceived notions about leadership can create confusion about who is and who is not a leader. The first step in developing effective church leaders is identifying potential leaders. Identifying Potential Leaders John C. Maxwell asserts that for a leader who develops other leaders, the ability to recognize ability is something even more important and rarer than ability itself. Identifying potential leaders is a primary responsibility of any successful church leader. T