Leader - Vision: How to See and Sculpt the Future
Notes from The Maxwell Leadership Podcast
- The foundation of a vision is REALITY.
- Vision has to be launched from solid ground.
"First responsibility of a leaders is to define reality."
- Max Dupree
- Develop a reality statement BEFORE a vision statement.
- A lack of realism today costs CREDIBILITY tomorrow.
"Less hip more honesty"
- Reality in the vision explains:
- The situation is worst than you think
- The Process is going to take longer
- The Price is going to be higher that you expect.
- The energy of vision is the RESPONSE.
- The response will be determined by two things:
- Vision for the future demands that you let go of the success of yesterday.
- You can't get to where you are going holding on to where you are.
- A leader has to believe the vision the are trying to cast.
"Leaders have to cast vision on what is invisible and plain it into existence...
Leaders have develop flexibility as it relates to allow the people to get comfortable with the timing and the how of the vision. But leaders that have the responsibility for vision, be unrelenting on the direction.."
- Chris Goede
- Our ability to shape the future is based on the thought time, the creativity time, the imagination time we have on envisioning that future.
"Leaders know how to see something that finally becomes tangible and make it visible. So we don't only cast vision on the invisible. We make real the visible when the invisible becomes tangible. And every leader needs to understand the art is not just in saying something you hope and believe and aspire to. It's in making mile marker points of accomplishment along the way."
- Chris Goede
- If you're waiting on the facts or reality to shape the future, you will not be able to get out of what is possible into the realm of what is not possible.
- To really cast a vision, you're going to have to get into the realm of the impossible so that you can begin envisioning it, so that then you make the imagination become from invisible to visible.
Make sure to listen to the The Black Church Leadership Podcast for More Great Leadership Teaching from Apostle Martin Wilson:
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