
Showing posts from November, 2022

Goal Conscious vs Growth Conscious

Happiness is growth.   You have a personal growth plain Grow on purpose Phase 3 : Personal Growth Phase 4 : Others Growth Phase 5 : Team Growth  Law of the Inner Circle We should look at our Goals and ask, “How can the goal challenge me to grow.” It is easier to chase goals when you know Growth is a greater objective. Even when you miss the goal the question should be, “What did I Learn.” Your more likely to learn during a missed growth opportunity than on a missed goal opportunity. Missed goals often causes us to shut down emotionally. We become to focused on the failure. Goal Conscious  Destination Conscious  Motivation people Goals are Seasonal Challenge people Plato when you hit the goal Growth Conscious  Focus on the journey Maturity the people  Life Long Changes people At end we keep growing. Goal is just part of the process.

Why Churches Need KPIs

What is a KPI? KPI stands for key performance indicator , a quantifiable measure of performance over time for a specific objective.  KPIs provide:  Targets for teams to shoot for,  Milestones to gauge progress,  Insights that help people across the organization make better decisions.  KPI gives us key performance indicators to help every area of the church move forward at the strategic level. KPIs are the key targets you should track to make the most impact on your strategic church outcomes.  KPIs support your strategy and help your teams focus on what’s important.  An example of a key performance indicator is, “targeted new members per month”. Why Are KPIs Important? KPIs are an important way to ensure your teams are supporting the overall goals of the organization. Here are some of the biggest reasons why you need key performance indicators. Keep your teams aligned : Whether measuring project success or Leadership team performance, KPIs keep teams m...

Leader - Vision: How to See and Sculpt the Future

Notes from The Maxwell Leadership Podcast   The foundation of a vision is REALITY .  Vision has to be launched from solid ground.  "First responsibility of a leaders is to define reality." - Max Dupree Develop a reality statement BEFORE a vision statement.   A lack of realism today costs CREDIBILITY   tomorrow.  "Less hip more honesty" Reality in the vision explains: The situation is worst than you think The Process is going to take longer  The Price is going to be higher that you expect.   The energy of vision is the RESPONSE .  The response will be determined by two things: The MESSAGE. The MESSENGER. Vision for the future demands that you let go of  the success of yesterday.  You can't get to where you are going holding on to where you are.  A leader has to believe the vision the are trying to cast.  "Leaders have to cast vision on what is invisible and plain it into existence...   Leaders have develop...


The Story You Tell Yourself Guard you self Talk. The most important conversation that you have everyday is the one that you have with yourself.  What you say to yourself is more important that what other say to you. You have to learn to encourage yourself.  When we don’t see ourselves clearly in all areas of our lives it can hurt our influence when we are operating under incorrect believes even if you are unaware.  You have to give yourself full transparency.  What are the negative beliefs do you have, that you are not nurturing, but still agree with? You have to address unhealthily beliefs about yourself that are holding you back. 


LESSON 1: FROM SOLO TO CONDUCTOR Multipliers have to be comfortable with putting the spotlight on others. Team DNA: We have to see ourselves as people of value that adds value of others. Whose life do you highlight? When we work as a team be intentional about giving other recognition. Coach John Wooden said, “When the ball goes to the basket it took 10 hands.” Meaning that everyone on the team has played an important part. You go slower to go farther. Recognize you need others. Make sure other shine. Help others become better everyday To be able to train and lead people well you have to see them as they can be not as who they are. You have to see where they can go. “Manage is about persuading people to do what the don’t want to do. Leadership is about inspiring people to do what the never thought they could do.” -Steve Jobs Multiplier point out your potential instead of you flaws. “I know this is what you did, but that is not who you are.”